Yes, you are right : things are not always straightforward, nor black-or-white.
Indeed, we are living in a complex world, and several elements play an important role.
These elements are not necessaryly the same here or there.
Higher Education (on a variety of subjects) help people to make up their own minds.
Globally, people with low education are easier to manipulate.
But there are other elements :
There is the distorting influence of the Media.
Reporters mention Information Ethics. But the interests & ethics of people who hire them are of different nature.
« What is it that we believe is important, relevant, hidden, perhaps, or even in plain sight and ignored by conventional journalistic wisdom or governmental wisdom? » (…) « And when lying is combined with secrecy, there is usually a pretty good roadmap in front of us. Yes, follow the money, but follow, also, the lies. » (Carl Bernstein — WHCA 29 avril 2017 )
« most Americans disapprove of and distrust the media. » « Obviously, our reporting needs to get both facts and tone right. » (…) « any relaxation by the press will be extremely costly to democracy. » (Bob Woodward — WHCA 29 avril 2017 )
The wealth difference between the rich and the poor is increasing in the West. And the same difference is increasing between countries as well. This situation will often create dissatisfactions.
Within a more complex & unsecure world, people seek refuge in Religion.
And it is much easier to teach the word of the texts than the spirit of it.
Also, there are situations of conflicts on long periods, where people have feelings of injustice and humiliation.
Dissatisfactions and feelings of injustice & humiliation can lead to uprisings/ intifadas.
People with low education who have very strongly feelings of injustice & humiliation can be manipulated to get them to perpetrate acts which are totally mad and unjustifiable (also logically).