Yes, ‘’We’’ and ‘’Them’’ are incapable of understanding the other’s point of view.
Therefore, how can we be sure of which are the bad ideas ? Their’s ? Our’s ?
If all our Moral Values are right, why our governments are also implementing the opposite ? This question also is the one asked by the Catholic Pope, who ask us to change our ways in order to act according to the faith we claim to adhere to.
The easy route (and most often used by all sides) is to point an enemy. Therefore we do not need to question our own truths and acts.
Because investigating our own contradictions is dangerous. For the mental balance of individuals & societies.
Are we sure that the good ideas delivered through our Media are not often toxic ? Before going to launch wars (military or not), maybe we should talk more to the ‘’others’’. It could help us (& them) to identify our own weaknesses and error.