Yes, the previous pope was a very conservative guy. He stopped as much as possible of what the Pope John Paul II tried to start.
Yes, the past of the Church is not that clean. It is very vertical, male-dominant, pedopyly as ell, etc etc
But I do not expect human stuff to be pure and clean all the time. I prefer to look à the trend, at the movement, rather than to the static pictures.
The current pope could be criticized too, on some aspects.
I am less interested in the individuals themselves than what they can do & bring for a better future.
But the guy is changing a lot of things. Apart from what I said before, there is what Pope Francis is currently doing : he is nominating a lot of high grade people within the Church : young people, with VERY different background from the traditional Cardinals. He is preparing the election of the next Pope… in order to ensure that the movement of Change will not be stopped (as it happened after John Paul II).