Yes, it is a good idea !
Some kind of quiet discussion “between equals” are neccessary.
To get there, there are steps :
FIRST, within Israel, to start talking between the “four Tribes” of Israel, as rightly indicated President Rivlin. He insists that these four “Tribes” do not know each-other, do not meet nor melt, have different education systems, and each tribe look a its own interests. (Ref. Hertzliya Convention — June 2015)
President Rivlin also said that Israel is a “sick society, and its illness requires treatment” (ref. Conference on hate, etc.. october 2014
SECOND, try to deal with the already identified problems. The main one is the Discriminatory Laws : https://www.adalah.org/en/content/view/7771
Approximately half israelians agree that Jews and non-Jews will have equal rights. Which means that half israelians disagree with this concept.
The Western concept of democracy implies the basic “right to vote”, and ALSO equal rights for all citizens.
Jean P. Ciron