I noticed this sentence in the book of Alexis de Tocqueville about Democracy in America :
« The more I think of it and the more I think that the only difference between the civilized man and the one who is not, with regard to the justice, is this : the one disputes in the justice of the rights that the other one contents with violating. »
I think to remember that the Report of the Committee of the Indian Affairs of February 24th, 1830 explains that the Fundamental Principle (according to which the Indians, by virtue of their former possession, acquired neither property right nor sovereignty) was never abandoned neither expressly, nor tacitly.
If what is said here is correct, should the Fundamental Principle be challenged within the USA, or outside ? Has it be already challenged ?
Could it be considered that “the genocide of indigenous tribes” and the colonization of their land by the occupier entitle the victim’s representatives to claim restitution of their land, in order to create an independent State ?
Jean P. Ciron