Because we are mankind. Most of us anyway. »
With our « superior mental abilities », we are technically able to « take responsibility for our actions and clean up the mess we made, and become the stewards of the land ».
American H.F. Osborn and W. Vogt alerted on the risk for earth to become a desolated dead planet (ref. : their respective books published both in 1948). They also explained the reasons : technical reasons = human overpopulation, consumerism, ignorance, etc. And the human reasons = humans favours the short term, etc
Both writers thought that the solutions would come from dissemination of knowledge and advances in scientific research. They expected that these two elements will enable the human reason to take the necessary measures.
Instead, science & knowledge were/are used to accelerate the damages to the planet.
And we are totally unable to change our ways. Because, to live in a different way imply to think otherwise. Which in turn imply to also behave according to some different Values. Different Values are always backed by different Beliefs…
A reasonable humanity would put the Global environment & other All living beings BEFORE mankind.