Our Economic System is based on Faith in an Invisible Hand and Faith in the Future.
These two Beliefs have been inherited from the last three main Middle-East religions.
But the Economic System is running alongside the ‘’historic religions’’.
It is what can be called syncretism.
Our Economic System is a Religion on its own, and seems to be (for the time being) more or less compatible with the historic main religions.
When the difficult times will come, we should remember what was the initial Message of Zoroaster (Zarathustra). Initial : that is before the Magi corrupted his messsage while pretending to talk in His name.
There are a few things which are quite interesting within Zoroaster Message :
- God intervenes directly only in the Kingdom of God. Which means than mankind is responsible for the construction of the Future within the physical world, and should not expect direct involvement of God. (Of course, the Holy Spirit may decide to ensure that the right decision be an option which man will consider before deciding with his Free Will.
- The Creation took six days, and man was created towards the end, after the animals & plants. God created an ALLIANCE between mankind and the animals : Mankind is the protector of animals.
Even if we consider only these two abovementioned elements, we have :
Full responsibility of mankind for any future ecological disaster (God does not intervene directly in ou physical world, humans have the Free Will, and they have the duty to protect all living beings through the Alliance)
Our actions (not rituals or prayers ) will receive a punishment or reward (paradise, hell, or purgatory) based on actions (on the judgement day, we will be juged by our actions themselves, as God does not intervene in this process).
I know that the fact is disturbing, but it is honest to remind that the original Theological revolution & Eschatology of Zoroaster inspired greatly the current ‘’main three’’ religions.
Jean P. Ciron