« There is no justice in history » : This sentence fromYuval Noah Harari echoes what you said : « In the end it was all about the gold. »
Of course, miserable life or death of human beings / Human Rights / Moral Principles / International Rules … are here completely irrelevant for many (all?) parties involved, as only “gold” counts.
We often discuss on the arguments put forwards by the various parties. But these arguments often are smoke screens. The real reasons are not mentioned. Here are three issues which fit well with many current conflicts & disputed boundaries which are “necessary” in order to grab more “gold”.
« According to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. it is something else — a war between competing national interests to build, or not build, a pipeline to the Mediterranean so natural gas can be exported to Europe. Inconveniently for Syria, that nation lies along an obvious pipeline route. » (ref. WhashingtonsBlog oct. 30, 2016)
There are the US-Backed and Russia-Backed pipeline projects :
In the year 2000, Qatar proposed the construction of a € 10 billion pipeline long 1500 km through Saudi Arabia >> Jordan >> Syria >> Turkey.
Iranian Oil & Gas fields could reach Europe thanks to a 5500 km long pipeline Iran >> Irak Kurdistan Regional Government >> Syria >> Lebanon

And there is now another israelian pipeline project (which will certainly be also Backed by the US).
There are Oil & Gas fields off the shores of Lebanon, Israel & Gaza. Israel consider these fields are theirs. (>> dispute on Lebanon side and blocus on Gaza)
Israel is negociating with Europe to build an « unprecedented $6–7 billion plan which involves building a privately funded 2,200- km. deep-sea pipeline linking Israeli and Cypriot gas to the shores of Greece and Italy » in order to compete with Russian Gas. (ref. JerusalemPost april 03–2017). The pipeline is expected to be operational by 2025
Jean P. Ciron