Theodor Herzl was the theoricist of Zionism. There are many different definitions of Zionism.
Zionism was the solution Herzl found to address the antisemitism which had been going on for centuries in Europe & Russia. A lot of discriminations, humiliations, murders and pogroms against Jews.
The essay he wrote was called ‘’Der Judenstaat’’’ which means « State for the Jews » = a Refuge State for the Jews from all over the world. A Jewish homeland for the Jewish People. He initially did not think of Palestine.
Herzl did not call his essay ‘’Der Jüdische Staat’’ (The Jewish State).
Theodor Herzl was not a religious person. We also understand it when we read the book.
The Balfour Declaration 1917 said : « (…) it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine (…) »
The UN Resolution 1947 said: « (…) Guaranteeing to all persons equal and nondiscriminatory rights in civil, political, economic and religious matters and the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including Freedom of religion, language, speech and publication, education, assembly and association;(…) »
Since 1967, the Policy of the successive israeli Governments has been in total contradiction with the UN Resolution which created the State: the violations are mainly related to Jerusalem & WestBank colonization, + Gaza blockade. That is the kind of “Zionism” I condemn regularly.
But the West seems to be OK with that, as any sanction against the many violations by Israel of Human Rights and International Laws are regularly vetoed…
The fact that the israeli State frequently violates International Laws >> generates many UN condemnations >> which are considered as “antisemitic attitudes” >> this so-called antisemitic attitude is the excuse used to veto any sanction.