Everyone can vote : Jews & ‘’Arabs’’ alike.
But the ‘’Arabs’’ do not own the State. The State belongs to the Jewish people: the Israeli Citizen AND (potentially) all the Jewish people in the world. But NOT to the ‘’Arab’’ citizens of Israel. And all direct & indirect discriminations against minorities are legal: why complaining ? https://www.adalah.org/en/content/view/7771
The State of Israel is a Religious State. Just like many other Religious States in the Middle East.
As long as the US (+ implicit approval of the Western countries) back the colonization of the West Bank, the ‘’Arab State’’ can only be a kind of Protectorate of Israel. With no armed forces, with no economic independance, with no real independance of any kind. Living under Israeli Laws.
The world will learn that Human Rights & International Law are lures, and that only the Law of the Jungle really applies.