The main problem I see with Zionism is that there are many different & contradictory definitions of Zionism.
What is the Nature of Zionism ? Is it an Ideology ? Is it a Project ?A Religious one ? A Political one ? In most instances there are mixed views. But there are quite different consequences.
What is the purpose of Zionism ? A religious State ? A democracy ? What else?
Which perimeter for Zionism ? Israel 1947 ? Israel pre-1967 ? Gen. 18:8 ? Gen. 15:18–21 ? (Note : the State of Israel never defined its borders)
Some people consider that the definition he heard of is wrong. Others think it is right. I do not want to get into this endless & insolvable discussion. To be constructive, we ought to define & work with the ‘’legitimate Zionism’’ concept, constructed in regard to generally agreed principles :
Here is my definition of Legitimate Zionism :
“Zionism is the spirit of the Political Project developped by Theodor HERZL (‘’Der Judenstaat’’), project which has been clarified, complemented and then validated by the International Community (in 1947), and which was subsequently implemented by the successive governments of Israel in compliance with International Law, Human Rights, and International Conventions.”
The Declaration of Independance of Israel 1948 was consistent with the rules defined by the UN in 1947 : no discriminations of any kind between citizens. Now, the Nation Bill puts Jewish character above human rights. Israel cannot be a democracy with these discriminatory rules (which were already in application for years, despite the Supreme Court decisions…)
As a consequence of the above definition, the Legitimate Anti-Zionism is :
“Criticism of rhetoric or actions of individuals/ structures which intervene (directly or not) and which contravene (or incite to contravene) to the letter or spirit of the definition of the Legitimate Zionism.”