The israelian government is acting at the opposite of the recommendations of the Israel President Reuven Rivlin, a man of vision. During conferences in 2014 & 2015 (Herzliya, Brookings, etc), he stressed that the « four principal ‘tribes’ » of Israel (secular Jews, religious Zionist Jews, Orthodox Jews, Arabs) are hostile to one another and fearful. The result being that Israel is a « sick society » and that it is a duty to treat the illness.
President Rivlin said israelians must move to a new concept of partnership among all the israelian population members. He said that this requires 4 « pillars » : Security for all while maintaining one’s own identity — Shared responsibilities for all, within the society & within the State — Full Equity & Equality for all — Sticking together through a shared Israeli character. (ref. : Haaretz.com/israel-news)
On the long run, the only way for the different communities (for israeli within Israel & for Palestinians within palestinian territories) to live in peace is towork in order to eliminate feelings of injustice & humiliation. I feel it is the only way for Israel to (finally ?) become the ‘’Refuge State’’ which Theodor Herzl described in his essay Der Judenstaat.