“The concept of morality necessitates choice.” you said Jeffrey.
Not at all ! There are many moral system on earth. They have been defined (more or less precisely, with more or less contradictions within themselves) and it happened that the ‘’superior’’ moral system is the version we consider such.
We do not chose a moral system : we live with the one we happen to have present within our brain at a certain point in time.
With new informations, new environment, etc we may move to another moral system. But it is not a choice : we express the moral system which is within us.
“I will give up my skepticism on the absence of free will…”
Not at all ! One cannot decide “not to believe”. If something is a key element of my self, and that I find out that this key element is wrong, the brain will BY ITSELF find a way towards a lower stress road. See the Stockholm syndrom.