Thank you for tour answer.
I see two elements which I am unsure about.
A — Do we really know the estimated base pairs of species living a few billion of years ago ? Is the extrapolation made from their current representatives something reasonably reliable ?
B — De we know if the pre-life and early life diversification/ complexification speed is comparable to current/ recent life ?
I understand from the graph with semilogarithmic coordonates that a correlation (which seems to be quite strong) appears when we use a logarithm base 10.
I am not a mathematician. I guess that we can obtain different curves with different log bases.
If the numbers of base pairs were possibly different for early « As », and/or if the diversification/ complexification speed was different for « B », then could it be considered that another kind of logarithm base could still show a strong correlation which could imply a (at least partial) Earth origin ?