“religion as a means to create a new form of political power.”

If one of the many religious movement can progressively ‘’take over’’ the others, and get into Politics, that could be the ‘’ultimate weapon’’.
The pillars of Beliefs are very similar for most Americans. Therefore, there is far less differences between the Values of American citizens, versus European or Middle East people.
That is why I asked if America was not already a Democratic Theocracy : https://medium.com/@Ciron/america-a-themocracy-98a8f6429510
Anthropologists know that, when a Culture is growing in terms of number of people, it starts fragmenting. Many ‘’chapels’’ start to pop-up (and not only in the religious field).
Fragmentation makes it more difficult to get people to stick together. To find/invent ennemies to fight helps to join together. For a while.
But, if well organized religious people of some ‘’Church’’ make some kind of ‘’joint-venture’’ with influencial General Public Media AND with some Parliamentaries, THEN, the JV can easily “take over” the Country !!
From there, the Education System can be progressively ‘’homogenized’’ (if I may say) and “format” the future minds… That is what Turkey and Israel are introducing with large investments in traditional religious teachings. The objective is to get to a real solid Nation with less differences between people.