Why is it that Supremacists (of all kinds) bloom everywhere in the West ? And particularly in the US.
I received the answer like a ‘’punch in the face’’ as I was reading Henry Kissinger’s book on the World Order.
I knew from Alexis de Tocqueville (book about democracy in America) that the first ‘’colonies’’of settlers were based in the area you mention in your Article. I learned there that the settlers were religious puritans. And, it seemsto be clear that soon « the Virtue has been translated into Laws ».
I believe that American minds are very strongly impregnated with a judeo-christian vision of the world. Which also inspired the Political and Financial/Economical structures & rules.
The belief of Free Will drives necessarily to individual Freedom, to Democracy and to Liberal Economies. Universally, without borders.
And H. Kissinger’s book also highlights two things :
first, the american « evangelical » duty to bring freedom to everyone in the world. H.K. adds « including those who did not ask for it ». Indeed, many people in the world have a different culture as social ‘’backbone’’, and they were not ready to make a straight move. It requires a lot of time to do it peacefully.
Second, to spread the (american) « universal values » all over the world. And H.K. notes that, (since the first US Presidents >> until nowadays), the USA are often acting against the very Values of which we claim to be.
Since I was a kid, I lived a large part of my life in very different countries, where live very different people who think (beliefs + logics) differently. Anthropologist tell us that we should not consider « inferior » or « ridiculous » or « archaic » things which we cannot comprehend, but which enabled group of human populations to survive in very difficult environments during dozens of thousands years (ref. Australia, Amazonia, Central Africa, …)
I soon realized that the world described by my christian religious teachers (in Africa) was a kind of « VERTICAL WORLD » wher whe had GOD >> the Humans >> the Resources (animals & plants & non-living materials) for humans to use. Mankind is there a sort of king of the world, providing that they follow God’s commands . But the important life is the one after death.
This World was very different from the « HORIZONTAL WORLD » my local friends talked me about. At the origin of times, God created the world, and then retired in a very remote mountain, where He still rests. In this world, all living beings and non-living beings have a spirit. And all spirits deserve equal respect. The spirits will survive after death, within their village (for humans) or natural environment for other living & non-living beings. Equal respect means that humans live among the other beings, at the same level.
The Horizontal World is much more environment friendly than the Vertical World. It considers that “everything is linked” in the World (quoting Pope Francis). This integrative vision of the world is quite rare within the monotheisms. For Christians, there is Saint Francis of Assisi. And also Saint Paul before him. For Zoroastrians, a thousand years B.C., the Genesis was different, as God created the physical world and the animals & plants. He later created mankind and gave them the duty to preserve and protect the animals & plants.
The tragedy within the Vertical World is that, as the important life is the second one AND that, to get there we need to « act according to the rules », we can act as if we could live with an eternal growth and destroy the biodiversity, the environment, increases pollution & global warming. All that being satisfied to obbey to Gods Commands.
To me, our « madness » is probably the worst form of Supremacism