If the countries most strongly armed with Nuclear Weapons do not start reducing their fire-power, WHY should the Non-Nuclear countries stop trying to get the warheads which -they think- will protect them from any attack ?
The USA consider that it is their moral duty to expand their moral principles & way of life to the whole world. But the USA have become far too religious (and also far too often sure to be always right). Any freely granted agreement can only occur when every participant accept to adjusts its position AND that patience is the rule until the people have also make the mental move.
What should the International Community do IF the government of ANY nuclear state becomes extremist (in a religious or non-religious way) ?Because this would mean a potential terrorist state !
Also, the pressure should be on everyone. I mean: same the rules and “pressure” for ALL states (not forgetting to be tough with our friends/allies/protégés too…). Otherwise, we lose any credibility, and the “negociations” will be felt as a tool for an “empire” to try to weaken further the other negociators.