Yes, and it MUST BE different. As we learned to think within other logics, we have now difficulties to get out of the « bubble ».
When we say « improving everyone’s lives » we should understand : including the Third World where people live with less than $ 100 a month.
But if they can earn only a third of what we earn in the West, we need 3 planets Earth to feed them. An environmental disaster (pollution, biodiversity, …)
Jean Tirole won the 2014 Nobel Prize in Economics. He wrote a book « Economics for the Common Goods » which is worth reading.
Also, I would remind you of the Ecological approach for Pope Francis’s « Common Home », as per the « Laudato Si » Encyclical in English :
The facts remains that no World Leader is addressing the problem of human overcrowding on the planet. For any other species, we would be talking about « infestation »… How to slowly, voluntarily and democratically reduce population is something which is unlikely to happen before we get to the environmental bottom….
Jean P. Ciron