She probably focused on what she thought she knew about savages.
The savages she knew had most probably already adjusted their own attitude towards the newcomers, in order not to enter in conflict.
The Beliefs/Faiths architectures of the civilized & of the savage are completely different.
The Beliefs/ Faith define the Values, which will be translated into social Rules/Laws, which in turn become everyday reality in the Way of Life.
I would like to add what the Anthropologists say : A Culture cannot bring a valid judgment on another Culture.
Being technologically « advanced » does not mean being « ahead » from a spiritual & moral point of view.
Therefore, we can call them ‘’savages’’ only if we consider other cultures from our own Western biased point of view, where we are the ‘’civilized’’.
The Beliefs/Values/Way of Life of our ‘’savage’’ ancestors proved to have worked during hundreds of thousands of years, as they survived (on many continents) several climate changes. It would appear that our ‘’superior’’ Beliefs/Values/Way of Life are already facing many internal inconsistencies as well as potential deadly global problems, after a much shorter period of time…