Look a things which are Changing : they open the doors to HELL
Before to look at things that won’t change, let’s ave a look at the ones which WILL change in the world during the next 10–20 years (that is ‘’tomorrow’’). These things will design the environment within which we will live:
The difference between the Super-rich and the super-poor will increase sreadily. Indeed, the very rich ave the tools to make more money out of what they have. And, if it is not sufficient, they have the ‘’connections’’ to make it happen anyway.
Also, many countries are currently buying agricultural land in other countries in order to ensure that they will have enough for themselves.
The low & middle classes will rightly want to increase their standard of living. Globally, if they managed to get to -say- half the current standard of living of the West, we would need 3 or 4 planets to produce the necessary goods.
The end result will be more global inequalities, more pollution, more destruction of the environment which feed us, more migration of population, more famines, more violence, more wars, …
The « winners » will be the ones able to stick together around ‘’something that you know is true’’, and willing to live with little in order to concentrate their energy on this common belief.
Within the next 10–20 years, what will not change is Belief, within a world which will be more and more unjust & with more & more inequalities.
Therefore, the « Religious rigorism & orthodoxy » will flourish. And always more people will put more individual energy into it, as their objective will NOT be this present life, but the hope of a « second eternal life » afterwards.
Therefore, the Maslow’s scheme (which worked well within a period of global growth in the West) will have to change, as tomorrow’s life will be quite different from what the West experienced during the last century…
By that time, I will be dead … lucky me !