I understand that there were two main Nazi ‘’reasons’’ for the Genocide :
1-) The belief that there was a ‘’superior race’’ (Aryans) and several ‘’inferior races’’ (mainly Jews, but also Slavic, etc). I would call that ‘’ideologic hate’’.
2-) In the Eastern conquests, violent ethnic cleansing was ‘’necessary’’ to make room for german settlers : colonization + ethnic cleansing >> new ‘’superior’’ population (= replacement)
Out of a total of 6 million shoah deaths, approx. 3 millions were Polish Jews.
Non ideologic hate was certainly ‘’necessary’’ during the last execution phase of the strategic Plan. Without hate (and/or fear) noboby could possibly conduct the horrors perpetrated by the Nazi and their ‘’henchmen’’ during the Holocaust. Victims were merely considered as things = harmful pests.
Banning hate speach which refers to this king of unspeakable horror is mandatory. First of all for the respect due to the victims.
I take this opportunity to add that we know of many horrors ‘’of this nature’’, and we should not forget them. Even if they were/are ‘’smaller’’. To me, the suffering and the horror of EACH past & present victim should be considered with equal respect and consideration, everywhere on earth.
And, as this kind of thing already occured in many places on earth, within very different societies, I guess that we (as nations) are not immune to becoming the perpetrators, some day in the future of History.