“It is in the NWS national security and strategic interests to insure no more states are added to the club.”
Yes, but it could be in the interest/desire of the NNWS (Non Nuclear Weapon States) not to become/ remain a Vassel , a Protectorate , an Economic colony of some NWS.
Therefore, if the real goal is not to get more NWSs, the first honest move is to implement a real reduction of weapons & controls within the NWSs.
But it would appear that each of the NWSs do not trust the other members of the Club. Therefore the most powerful NWSs increase their nuclear power, and help some friends to become a non-official nuclear weapon power as well. It seems that there are the official rules does not necessarily apply to a “selection” of states which are allowed do do what they like without anyone daring to protest.
In the end, this kind of “imperial” approaches of several NWSs is killing any serious hope of a reduction of nuclear warheads in the future. The States who want to remain really “free” will want to have the only deterrent they know…