« Israel is the most moral country on Earth as is its Army », you said.

I must say I am not a fan of your kind of hard-edged humour.
Archeology demonstrated that many myths, beliefs & traditions of many religions have been borrowed from other Cultures. That is what we call syncretism. Judeo-Christians & Muslims alike. The Bible is a collection of different stories. The Canaanite Ugarit Gods & Beliefs, as well as the Persian Zoroastrian theology & eschatology were very important contributors to us all.
The early Israelite religion adopted monotheism only in the waning period of the monarchy. Monotheism was consolidated towards the end of the exile & post-exilic periods. Even Solomon constructed a Temple to Moloc (& other Gods), the Bible says. It would also appear that many statements of the Bible are a later reconstruction of events with a theological purpose.
In the Middle East, the monotheist Judaism appears to be the fourth oldest monotheism, after Mithra, Akhenaton, Zoroaster. Therefore, there were several other earlier Middle-Eastern monotheisms which were of the opinion that they ‘’gave morality to the world’’.
Myths, Beliefs & Traditions deserve respect. But morality already existed before Homo sapiens !
Anyway, Judaism has many different sects. What I say is no different from what several of these sects are saying.
Who is high enough to judge a sect’s views ? I am certainly not. But it seems you are.