Look at his background : he does know what is going on in the Middle-East.
Listen to his statements (over decades) on Israel, Iran, terrorism, Saudi Arabia, etc
In may 2016, during the hearing about the 9/11, Rohrabacher said that “The Saudis have been financing terrorism now for 20 years at least” (ref. : United Jerusalem — 30 may 2016)
Nowadays, iranian people are moving towards western lifestyle, and ISIS attacks Iran.
But Rohrabacher considers Iran as the main evil and the main threat.
Which seems to be contradictory from our « viewpoint ». But it is not frm his.
My view is that Rohrabacher (among others) has another agenda.
The subject of the agenda remains « Redrawing the Middle-East ».
This implies to put in place a US-friendly « Regional Leader » state.
In the past, several israelian leaders stated that Iran should be « nuked ». It is known that Israel has 200 nuclear missiles. And the US has thousands of them in the Middle-East. It is obvious that any attack of Israel by Iran would imply immediate destruction of Iran (and WW3 to follow…).
In 2010, Rohrabacher declared that the US should support Israel if they activated some preventive strikes on Iran.
The iranians do fear a « preventive strikes » from Israel, and they boosted nuke defenses (ref. : The Times Of Israel Sept. 1, 2015)
Rohrabacher is NOT deficient.
He is paving the way for a US-designed Middle-East.
With Israel as the dominant Regional Power.
I think that the « alliance » with Saudi Arabia will reinforce the Sunni.
The Sunni and the Shiites (stupidly) cannot live together.
Arming Saudi Arabia increases the risk of an Iran-Saudi Arabia conflict.
Conflict which would not need nuclear warheads.
If the Saudi fights the Iranians, they will both be weakened…