JPC qd
1 min readJul 22, 2018


Is Israel a democratic country ?

Certainly not !

Have a look at the Israeli Discriminatory Database :

There is the right to vote in Israel, for all Israelis. The same apply in Iran, Turkey, etc… Are they all democracies ? Certainly not !

Democracy requires non discriminations based on religion, sex, etc…

Also, in Israel, the State does not belong to the Arabs. It belongs to the Israeli Jews and potentially to all Jews in the world. But NOT to the Arabs. Therefore, because of the Jewish-Zionist nature of the land, Arabs have great difficulties to buy land.

Until now, the Israeli High Court considered that the 1948 Declaration of Independence (which says that all citizens have equal rights) made it illegal to stop Arab Israelis to buy land. But the Government considered that the Jewish-Zionist nature is “above” the Declaration of Independance.

Nowadays, the Government is working on the NATION STATE BILL (which clarifies that it is OK to have places (villages, etc) which are “Jews only”. Just like in South Africa ! And worse !

