In the end, we cannot choose to be someone who think/ believe/ feel differently from what we are, at a certain point in time !
In the end, our individual self is the result of our personal history & challenges, family traditions, cultural background. This last bit includes the religious aspects, myths & legends, which are very much a sub-product of social evolutions/ exchanges/ mixed influences/ … between different regions of the world, during very long periods of time.
Also, the history of the different religions has been the result (or non-result) of specific human events. Examples which I noted to investigate further :
The school ishrâqî of the oriental theosophy of Shaykh al-Ishrâq, Shihâboddin Yahyâ Sohrawardî (1155/1191), aimed to be the restaurer of the wisdom of the former Persians and Zarathoustra in the Islam shî’ îte.
Christianity could have taken a different path if the approach of Marcion, the philologist (1st century after J-C) had be followed. Now, slowly, his views are coming back.