Hi John,
« what your special interest is in this area? » you asked.
At the very beginning are what we call the « common goods ».
The first problem I had was to try to understand why we call them using such an improper expression. « Goods » sounds like things which can be owned/ taken over. Which is an idea I dislike for things which are common. Also, the word « common », most often in the West, means common goods of humanity. But we are not alone. All living & non-living beings should be included.
I disliked also how the global economics is not driven by any moral principle. The rich export their pollution (often deadly toxic residues) to poor countries, and legally extract the wealth where they can. Global warming is one of the pollutions. >> I ruled out this area as a possible source of leadership for long term world problems.
It is clear to me that Politicians are globally far ro « suggestible » to lobbies in all areas of human interest >> I rules them out too.
Several writers (60 years ago, in the US) have sounded the alarm. At the time, it was generally considered that Progress of Science will bring the solutions. But Science has been used to exploit the « resources » faster and with more efficiency. >> I rules out Science as well.
The Media have the potential to influence people’s opinions everywhere in the world. But I soon realized that the follow their own specific agenda & interests : economics, religious, etc..
So, I was left with the Religions. Some are organized in mega-structures. I started to try to understand if this could be a route for awakening. Looking into the matter for Catholics, I understood that, within the organisation, there are several powerful different sensitivities which are ‘’fighting’’ internally the ones against the others.
And I found that several popes were trying to get things to move forward.
This route could ba a good one if they can build some king of common approaches on key subject with other non-Catholic Christians, with Muslims, with Jews, etc