That means two Religious States.
We are far from what the UN decided on 29 nov. 1947 ( Art 181–11). Under point B.10.d (p. 135), a « democratic constitution » was required for both States, « (d) Guaranteeing to all persons equal and non-discriminatory rights in civil, political, economic and religious matters and the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of religion, language, speech and publication, education, assembly and association; »
With this Confederation option, I feel that there is potentially a very fine line between an « free Palestine » and a « protectorate Palestine ».
There are also several points which require further improvements :
Allowing Joint Ventures is not at all sufficient ! Israel is immensely rich , compared to the « Arab State ». Without other further structures for the « Arab State », it will quickly be « economically colonized » >> soon followed by the political decisions driven -as always- by the financial/ industrial areas.
The 1947 document had foressen a « Economic Union » between the two States. We will certainly need to get there, in time. Some kind of Marshall Plan is required there.
An International Plan must be put in place to rebuild the « Arab State », in terms of economy, of course, but also in terms of communications, etc . The “Arab State” should not remain for ever the cheap labor suburb of israelian businesses.
The « ex-settlers » issue will be another thorn to deal with. Most of them are very religious and often are armed. If some will somehow « happen to stay », land & houses property will have to be clarified…
Currently, the water has been diverted from Palestinians to Settlers. The Water & agricultural lands will have to be addressed in detail.
There is gas/oil offshore of Gaza. The sea borders will have to be defined too.
Anyway, Netayahu will give nothing away what he can keep. If he could, he would take all of the “Arab State”. Beware of tricks. Moral principles will be absent (except in declarations).