In top of the Body, Plotinus described his Trilogy : The Soul, The Intellect, and the One. This kind of Trilogy influenced a lot of Western philosophers and many Religions…
But the Greeks did not invent these concepts (nor many others kinds of concepts for which we give the Greeks credit for). In fact, they received them from the Middle East and even Far East. This includes Theology & Eschatology, as well elements of our mental & spiritual components.
For example, approx. 1000 years BCE, Zoroastrianism had already covered many aspects of the spiritual elements of man, which are are of two kinds :
Urvan is close to our ‘’soul’’, our conscience. It works according to the free will principle. It is therefore able to discriminate right from wrong, and is responsible for the actions made during the physical life. Urvan will bear the consequences post-mortem.
Baudha is perception & intelligence abilities. It follows Urvan after physical death.
Ahu is the vital principle. It is a distinct element, which disappears at time of physical death.
Fravarti is a kind of divine guide specific to the person. If the conduct of the individual has been right during the physical life, Fravati and Urvan will join to enter in the Kingdom of God. If, instead, the person makes choices which he knows are wrong, the Fravarti may leave the individual.
Daena is passive, a kind of ‘’eye’’ which stands above the internal spiritual elements of the individual.