Within the Western World, the concept of « Freedom » did not pop-up out of nowhere.
The idea comes from our Judeo-Christian Cultural background.
And more precisely from the belief of « Free Will ».
Of course, also non believers are impregnated with the culture they grew up with.
But other Cultures do not have necessarily the same Vision of the world.
I remember what the Animist people I met 60 years ago in Africa : they did not talk of freedom, but insisted on mutual assistance & on duties towards the community. I had the feeling that the important thing for them was the GROUP, and not the INDIVIDUAL. I understand that, today, most of these tribes have been destroyed by our western civilization.
Of course, ALL cultures change in the long run, through exchanges with other cultures. It is quite OK to me.
Imposing brutally our cultural Values & Beliefs to other Cultures is dangerous, as it leaves them with a broken « backbone ». And we should look at us as some kind of « supremacist », although we also condemn the concept…