At risk of radicalization ?
Someone who is (perceived or not) in the process of radicalization is already affected by the ‘’seeds’’ of radicalization. Where do they come from ? Did they pop-up out of nowhere and germinate within their minds ? Or did these seeds migrated from somewhere ? Our view on this point will determine a preventive or a curative work.
In most instances, we prefer to concentrate almost exclusively on the easier route = the curative action (including the early curative action on persons being in the process of radicalization). It gives almost ‘’immediate’’ results and is highly visible, with good political pay-back.
I agree that it is unfair to associate systematically the words ‘’extremism’’ and ‘’terrorism’’ with ‘’Islam’’. The General Public Media often suggest (often without saying it explicitely, but, for example, by association of a comment with images which are only indirectly related) that the problem is the religion itself… It really is a way to ‘’hurt’’ people (which I call incitement).
Looking into the texts of each 3 religions of the Book, we can easily find ‘’incitements’’ for violence if we want to find them. And I doubt that the Koran itself would come as inciting more…
With internet, the persons ‘’at risk’’ know more of what is going on in the Middle East (more than what the Western Media ‘’propose’’). Only looking at the U.N. documents, it would appear that the Judeo-Christian teams are doing/supporting things which can be considered as contrary to the Values & Principles which they preach and expect from others. Also, knowing that what is called terrorism on one side often is considered resistance against the occupation on the other side. A feeling of injustice can easily prosper on these grounds for people standing for human rights...
Maybe a mathematician could try to look at a correlation between the islamic terrorist activity in the West and events occuring in the Middle East, over number of decades.