A warmer Earth is not necessary a bad thing for Ants, Cockroaches, Wasps, Rats,…
For humans, it is another story.
You know, if you search on scientific books or journals, or internet, you will find the reasons.
Higher global AVERAGE temperature increase on Earth means high average increase here, lower average increase there, and sometimes average lower temperature elsewhere.
The average increase will melt glaciers everywhere on earth + polar regions >>> more water in the oceans. Also, the athmosphere will increase sea temperature.
>>> the result will be sea level increase. The sea increase comes for approx. 50% from land glaciers melting, 40% from water expansion due to temperature increase, ans the remaining from North & south poles.

You have a simulator here :
Have a look à the US East coast & Louisiane ! a warmer Earth imply permanently flooded areas.
Also, when air temperature increases, we initially have a greater difference in average temperature between air and sea. The fluid mechanics on a spinning sphere makes that fluctuations in temperatures between cold & hot will be more frequent & more important, winds will follow the same pattern . >> more cyclonic activities & more frequent unusual weather.
Even if you live in a nice « saved » area, your insurance company will make you contribute to the repair of damages.
Another impact of the stronger winds will be more frequent soil erosion (soil goes away with the wind) >>> here to you will have to pay more for reduction/destruction in agricultural performance in some areas.
On the health side, an annual average increase of temperature of two degrees Celsius makes the difference for tropical insects & pest to feel at home in temperate areas. We already are experiencing the problem in Canada. The average warming makes the tree insect pests to survive winters and destruct trees. Before, the cold winters used to kill them.
Etc Etc