The Judeo-Christian background creates a bias in our way to look at « ourselves ».
That is why we consider that a « person » also is a « human », and both are a « sapiens ».
We should make the effort to clearly split the concepts.
The three concepts overlap in some instances (in nature and/or in time).
In my view our definition of a « person » must be based on specific characteristic. This definition could end-up to identify non-human living beings as « persons ».
For example, an extra-terrestrial « tourist » will probably not be classified as « game », and would probably qualify for « person ». Same for Denisovans, etc. What about non-human animals having self-consciousness ?
There will be strong resistance to grant the « human » label to non-sapiens humans.
But there is no « pure » race.
Personnally, I would include all our ancestors & cousins within the human family.
This will bring the human family 2 or 3 million years back in the past. With a huge variety…
What we would also need to do is to define the characteristics which qualifies for « humanity ».
Then, we will have to get out of our « background automatisms », and review/adjust the RIGHTS according to the three concepts.