This idea is quite simple in its principle, and it has many benefit.
I am very sorry I did’t think of it first ! ;-)
The first huge benefits are the one you mention : Freedom of Speach, but clarifying what is the nature of the information provided.
This “law” would need to apply to all journalists/reporters, associations, etc and also to all individual publications with “public” access.
I think the “Label 1” should be specified more precisely :” unarguable not fragmentary fact”. Leaving aside some pieces of information is the main pillar for biased information.
As, within a story, we could have different categories of informations, I think that we could bring down the number of Labels to 3 (label of the story based on the “weakest” piece of factual information”:
Label 2 : “ Believed unarguable facts / Disputed facts”
Label 3 : “ Opinions with supporting facts / Opinions / Fiction based on facts / Fiction / Fantasy”